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Explore Historical Maps Data: Find and Discover Rare and Unusual Maps

There are many websites that offer historical maps. Here is a list of some of the most well-known ones:

  1. David Rumsey Map Collection – a large collection of digitized historical maps from around the world, including many rare and unusual maps. The collection features maps from the 16th to 21st centuries, covering a wide range of subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more.

  2. Old Maps Online – a search engine for historical maps from libraries and archives around the world. It allows users to search for maps by location, time period, and other criteria, making it easy to find the maps you’re looking for.

  3. National Library of Scotland – a large collection of digitized historical maps from Scotland and the rest of the world. The collection includes maps from the 16th to the 21st century, covering a wide range of subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more.

  4. Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection – a collection of historical maps from the University of Texas at Austin. The collection includes maps from various time periods and locations, covering subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more.

  5. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division – a collection of historical maps from the United States and around the world. The collection includes maps from various time periods and locations, covering subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more.

  6. Map History / History of Cartography – a website dedicated to the history of cartography and maps, with a focus on European maps. The website includes articles, resources, and a collection of historical maps that can be accessed and downloaded.

  7. British Library Maps – a collection of historical maps from the British Library, including many rare and unusual maps. The collection includes maps from various time periods and locations, covering subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more.

  8. Historical Map Chart – a website that offers a wide range of historical maps for purchase, including maps of the United States, Europe, and the world. The website provides maps from various time periods and locations, covering subjects such as geography, cartography, exploration, and more, you can find them in digital or print format.